August 9, 2024

An Alarming Signal to the System

PJM Regulatory Review

  • As discussed above, the results of PJM’s Base Residual Auction (BRA) were announced and although PJM successfully procured sufficient capacity resources to meet forecasted demand, the clearing price moved to all-time highs with BG&E and Dominion zones clearing at the cap above $400/MW-day.
  • PJM’s next BRA for delivery year 2026/2027 is scheduled for December and could easily bring more fireworks given the potential growth in demand and ongoing thermal supply issues.
  • PJM announced delays to its Interconnection Process Reform Expedited/Fast Lane study stating that it would only be for a short period of time past the originally scheduled date.

Energy Market Update

  • PJM announced the results of the 2025/2026 Base Residual Auction last Tuesday afternoon and the results surprised many market participants by increasing from the previous auction by almost 10-fold. The RTO value increased from the prior auction from $28.92/MW-day (run is February/2023) to just under $270/MW-day.
  • Mountain Valley Pipeline has now been in commercial operation for 7 weeks and the pricing impact on Transco in Zone 5 has been dramatic causing spreads to other key pricing hubs to compress significantly.
  • Oil bulls had the market well supported until this week’s global equity market sell-off sent prices reeling back below $75/BBL. Global oil demand remains strong but uncertainty about Chinese demand growth is still an issue for the bulls.
  • The recent Northeast-centered heatwave sent demand in PJM above 150,000 MW for 3 consecutive days while overall gas-fired generation demand in the lower 48 maintained above 50 BCF/D for 7 consecutive days.
  • Global demand for coal set all-time records in the first half of 2024 along with global production as Asia continues to expand its operational coal fleet.
  • Sustained low natural gas prices are motivating producers to curtail production into the upcoming shoulder season as gas prices remain below finding costs. This is particularly true in Western Canada as storage is expected to be operationally full by the end of August.
  • Several US LNG export terminals are facing regulatory and/or construction delays. Golden Pass is now expected to achieve commercial operations in January of 2026; a year later than original estimates.

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