March 5, 2025

Key Learnings from the Fireside Chat with CPV Renewable Power & CPV Retail

PJM Regulatory Review

  • The most important item that came out last week was the approval by the PJM Board of transmission upgrades totaling $6 billion, which included upgrades deemed necessary to allow both Brandon Shores and Wagner to retire in a timely manner. Those upgrades alone are expected to cost $1.5 billion.​
  • PJM also provided a detailed list of those generation sources that fall under the “must offer” requirement for the 2025/2026 delivery year.​
  • PJM, as part of the Eastern Interconnection Planning Collaborative, provided comments on NERC’s Interregional Transfer Capability Study. The primary goals of the efforts are to support individual system reliability requirements in ways that also support efficiencies and economics. ​

Energy Market Update

  • As the seasons change, and weather moderates, the focus has now turned to storage refills and end-of-season storage balances. The summer strip, defined by the market as April-October, is now trading around $4.17/MMBtu which is up over 40% since the winter season started on November 1, 2024.​
  • The post cold weather freeze-off driven production drop has ceased, and US production has now rallied back to all-time highs at 106.3 BCF/D.​
  • Coal-to-gas switching, which was prevalent during recent years when natural gas prices were straddling $2.0/MMBtu, will be watched carefully this summer given a combination of higher gas prices and lower coal inventories.​
  • The Governor of Pennsylvania continues to publicly discuss options to facilitate the build-out of new dispatchable generation in his state, including leaving PJM and providing state support to developers.​